France continues to improve Press Publishers‘ Rights
Corint Media the only non-French organisation asked to comment
Two years after the French Press Publishers’ Right, which is based on the EU Copyright Directive, came into force, publishers in France are still in negotiations with large digital platforms such as Google and Facebook. Most recently, the French antitrust authority fined Google of 500 million Euros for obstructing negotiations with the press publishers. The French Parliament is now evaluating the effectiveness of Press Publishers‘ Rights, and it is holding out the prospect of tightening them.
Laurent Garcia, the responsible rapporteur for the commission of inquiry of the Assemblée Nationale:
« La France a été le premier pays de l’UE à transposer la directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur en droit national en 2019. Depuis lors, divers groupes numériques ont tenté d’empêcher la naissance du droit voisin des éditeurs. En conséquence de quoi, l’autorité antitrust française a déjà infligé une amende à Google. Il est maintenant temps d’évaluer si la loi doit être durcie ou modified afin que les groupes numériques internationaux respectent effectivement leurs obligations légales en France. En raison de la dimension européenne de la loi, nous sommes bien sûr intéressés par la position de l’Allemagne en général et de Corint Media en tant qu’organisme de gestion collective des droits de la presse. »
To this end, the Assemblée Nationale — the lower house of the French parliament — has asked several market players to comment in a commission of inquiry. The participants were asked about their economic and legal positions. As the only non-French market participant, Corint Media was sent a detailed questionnaire in which both should be presented: the development of the activities of Corint Media and the development of Press Publishers‘ Rights in Germany.
Corint Media is fully cooperating with the Assemblée Nationale and has promised to answer the questions on time.
Corint Media‘s managing directors Christoph Schwennicke and Markus Runde state the following: “We welcome the tightening of Press Publishers‘ Rights in France and are pleased to share our experiences and assessments with the French parliament — after all, the size of the task and the importance for the press allows only one European path. In addition, the evaluation of the Press Publishers‘ Right must be a signal for Germany to support the press publishers and their dispute with dominant digital platforms as well as to make the German law more enforceable.”